Superteam Earnings Logo
Superteam Earnings Logo Superteam Earnings Logo


# Projects Grant Type Earners Currency Total Earnings (USD) Date Given
1 Winter Arc Matsumoto - Writing disclaimer for skiing/snowboardingparticipants [Japan] Contract m_ttt USDC $50 15/02/2025
2 エンプラ・地方自治体向け NDAの雛形 [Japan] Contract m_ttt USDC $400 15/02/2025
3 Build a database of DePIN project [Vietnam] Contract helmut web3 USDC $200 14/02/2025
4 Solana Fndn Grant: SEO Strategy and Blog Post Creation - Janine Wagner Instagrant - USDC $0 14/02/2025
5 SPE(Solana Permissioned Envionments)資料作成 [Japan] Contract - USDC $6,000 14/02/2025
6 Translate content and present at event [Japan] Contract yuki2020 USDC $300 13/02/2025
7 organize meetup in Japan [Japan] Contract minoruy USDC $1,000 13/02/2025
8 Superteam Balkan Greece Kickoff [Balkan] Bounty Micheal Moore, Thanos O trelos, lemon tree, Scarlet Red, Luki Song, Nikos Koumbakis, Theodore kralis, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, ANDRIANI TSIRIVA, Stelios Vasileiou, Kiriakos Poikilidis, Thanos T. Cardzz, spyros benekis, Georgios Filippopoulos , Dimitris zaverdas, Daniel Kartsev SOL $826 13/02/2025
9 Porting Web2 to Web3 Game & Creating in-game economies using tokens and NFTs [Germany] Contract thomukas1 USDC $500 13/02/2025
10 Solana Fndn Grant: Solana Workshop - Sven Kroflin Instagrant - USDC $0 13/02/2025
11 Write a (X)Twitter Post About Superteam Poland’s Presence at Crypto Community Conference [Poland] Bounty Skrzypeczek sk, Stefan Kowal, Damian Latkowski USDC $300 13/02/2025
12 Solana Fndn Grant: Quantum Agentic Assets - Alexander Grey Instagrant - USDC $0 13/02/2025
13 Write A Thread About The Vault’s New Validator Reward Program [Twitter Thread] [Nigeria] Bounty Godwins Chiogbonda USDC $250 13/02/2025
14 Solana Fndn Grant (CoinDCX): NodeEase - Saurabh K Instagrant - USDC $0 13/02/2025
15 Solana Fndn Grant: Decen Space - Tristan H Instagrant - USDC $0 13/02/2025